Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is based on studies of the macroeconomic situation, political events, industry development dynamics, and regional trends.

In other words, fundamental analysis takes into account factors, news and events that can influence currency exchange rate ratios.

For example, if a country's economic indicators are strengthening, its GDP is growing, then the dynamics of exchange rates is usually positive, i.e. the currency of this country is strengthening.

A significant influence on changes in quotations is also exerted by various political events in the countries of the world, statements of political figures.

However, the same factor, event can differently affect the ratios of exchange rates, it all depends on the current situation on the Forex trading floor.

That is why you need to understand the Forex market and have experience in order to make correct forecasts.

Due to fundamental analysis, a trader is able to sense market movements based on the perceived impact of various factors on forex conditions and currency pair combinations.

So, obviously, to be effective and successful in Forex, you need to use analytics. Arm yourself with analytical data from Glencore LLC.

What information should I keep an eye on in the market?

Monetary policy

The monetary policy maintained by central banks directly affects capital and money markets, as it regulates the supply of money and thus directly affects its value.

Economic relations

Economic relations have a serious impact on how investors perceive local markets. If a country has established strong trade relations, investors consider this country economically stable with the possibility of increasing profits.

The situation in other markets

The situation in other markets is important when considering an investment decision regarding where and when funds should be transferred between countries. When capital markets in one country move in the opposite direction of the trend, investors begin to incur losses, capital will move out of the country, and may also provoke a depreciation of the local currency.

Situation and company reports

One of the important factors affecting capital markets is the current economic conditions of individual companies. A company's positive economic situation may encourage investors to invest their capital in its shares. The poor economic situation, in turn, forces investors to move their assets to other companies and/or eventually withdraw capital from this country.

Legal acts and taxes

Legal acts, local or international, can have medium and long-term effects on capital markets. Legal acts can create barriers, or vice versa – act as an impetus for foreign economic investment.

Weather conditions

The weather directly affects the prices of goods, which in turn affect companies using these goods as raw materials. Rising commodity prices also increase the cost of products. This, in turn, depending on the type of enterprise and company, leads to a decrease in profits and negatively affects the company's reporting. The deterioration of the economic situation leads to a drop in stock prices, which in turn forces investors to withdraw capital from this company.

The political situation

Political situations or conditions have a significant impact on capital markets. When the country has a stable political situation (foreign or domestic – international politics), investors are comfortable investing in this country. On the other hand, in times of political instability, traders can react by withdrawing funds from a given market or region.

Economic downturn

The economic downturn can have various sources. It can be financial (for example, a banking crisis), commodity-related (for example, an oil crisis), political, or others. It is common that during a downturn, people tend to withdraw capital from the market in order to “save themselves from the worst moment.” Therefore, the most exposed to risk are banking and financial sectors, tourism, automotive, etc.

Economic growth

The economic growth situation in a country or region is favorable for companies that sell their products to consumers in this area. Economic growth usually means that customers are more optimistic and in a better economic position, so they can afford more, and are predisposed to make real purchases. The expected increase in profits of companies selling more and more of their products may attract both local and foreign investors who create demand, resulting in an increase in the price of the company's shares.

Expert forecasts

Expert forecasts may match or contradict investors' expectations. As a rule, they do not have a direct impact on capital markets, but the mood of market participants can be affected when "experts" represent national authorities – either political or monetary authorities. When monetary authorities make statements about the economy as a whole, they can give signals about future speeches or hints about the future of monetary policy. This, in turn, can affect the supply of money and the interest rate (the latter is the most interesting factor for foreign investors). Please get advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts about the specification of market instruments and mechanisms.
